Tag Archives: High Fiber Foods

High Fiber Foods Diet for Healthy Living

High Fiber Foods Diet for Healthy LivingWe all need to get more fiber in your diet, but for why? Most people think that fiber just helps with your digestion and prevents constipation, but fiber has a lot more advantages than just that. Fiber allows you to control your weight, lower your cholesterol levels, and helps control your blood sugar levels. For ages 50 and under, men need 38 and women need 25, and men older than 50 need 30 and women 21. This sounds like a lot, considering a lot of foods that you eat are low in fiber, but there are a few foods that can give you your fiber easily and effectively. A high fiber foods diet will be able to be accomplished easily.

There are plenty of delicious fruits that can give you the fiber that you need fast. Just a cup of raspberries can provide you with eight grams of fiber, a pear with skin can give you 5.5. grams, and an apple with skin allows you to get 4.4 grams. Bananas, strawberries, oranges, and figs allow you to get a decent amount of fiber as well, so there’s a fruit out there for anyone that will give you fiber.

When it comes to pasta, bread, and grains, spaghetti is the best way to go. A cup of spaghetti will give you 6.3 grams of fiber, a cup of barley provides six grams, and three cups of popcorn provide you with 3.5. There are plenty of delicious grains that give you fiber, and there has to be one that you will enjoy.

Legumes, peas, and seed wise, peas are the best food to give you fiber. A cup of peas contain 16.3 grams. Just two and a half cups will cover any age and gender’s requirements. If you don’t like peas, lentils are close to the amount, with 15.6, and beans work well, too. Sunflower seeds and almonds are decent in fibers, too.

Veggie-wise, artichokes are the best when it comes to that. They contain a whopping 10.3 grams of fiber a cup. Most vegetables will give you fiber, but they still don’t top the power of peas.

Fiber is something that everyone needs in their high fiber foods diet, and with these tips, you can set up your own meal plan that can give you plenty of fiber. Whether you space it around or eat it all at once, getting the required amount of fiber will help your health in the long run. That said, fiber supplements can provide you with plenty of fiber. Whether you take tablets, add some to your drink, or add it to your foods, they can help your diet and help you to maintain health. Encompass Nutrients can help with your fiber journey. They have more information on the value of fiber, which foods will be good, and they can provide you with the best supplements that you can take.